Tag Archives: Microbial count


The main purpose of this study was to determine the role of extension in increasing dairy farmer’sknowledge in regard to improving milk quality. This study was accomplished in two parts. The first part was research and the second part was experimental research. The design for the first part of this study was descriptive- correlative research. Dairy farmers (N= 620) were the target population for this study. Dairy farmers of Okara have been selected using stratified randomization method sampling (n= 130).From the literature review, the researchers developed an instrument to collect data. In experimental research,12 dairy farms were selected from 20 dairy farms at random and plate count and lipid percentage of cow milkof dairy farmers measured in 3 repeats and 2 treatments. Findings indicated that average age of respondents was 45.8 year and 30% of respondents were illiterate. In experimental research, average of total plate count measured 333,170/ml for first treatment and it measured 912,780/ml for second treatment. Findings indicated thatthere was a significant relationship between age, sex, education level, dairy farming experience variables andtechnical knowledge. Regarding communication channels there was found a relationship between experts ofLivestock Experiment Station and experts of Planning and Development Department in Lahore to knowledge variable.There was also a positive and significant relationship between social conditions, participating in educational class and use of extension publications and technical knowledge about milk quality. Results of analyzed variances showed that there was a significant relationship between two treatments in microbial count and fat percentage

Keywords: Chemical component, Dairy farming, Extension knowledge, Microbial count, Milk

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