This study examined the technical efficiency of rice farmers in llesa Agricultural zone of Osun State. Sixty (60) farmers were randomly selected in the area. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data were collected with the aid of well structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentage and stochastic frontier model to measure the technical efficiency and its determinants. The stochastic production frontier result showed all the parameter estimates of the mean least estimates are statistically significant at 1% with the exception of transportation and fertilizer. The estimated technical efficiency of sampled respondents range from 0.40 to 1.00 with a mean of 0.83. This implies that on the average, rice production in the study area is about 83% of the potential frontier production level given present state of technology and input. This indicated that there is room for improvement in rice production in the study area.
Keywords: Ladoke Akintola, Rice Farmers, Technical Efficiency
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